Blogging A to Z: G is for Grateful


G is for Grateful.

This is going to be a short post. This is just a short little note to let my friends know how very much they mean to me. I love you guys so much because without you I think I might have lost myself. I certainly wouldn’t have had the courage to come as far as I have. Every word of kindness and encouragement is needed and cherished.

Thank you for encouraging me to write. Thank you for keeping me from giving up when that would be infinitely easier than trying to stamp my soul onto a computer screen. Thank you for being bright and shining flames when the darkness keeps encroaching. Thank you for loving me, supporting me, and being my other family.

You may think that all your small gestures, comments, likes, etc mean nothing, but they mean everything. I love you all. You are all my heroes. Kindness costs us nothing, and the more you give it away, the more it multiplies… kinda like love. 😉

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