Blogging A to Z: C is for Coming out



C is for Coming out

Coming out is when you tell your friends, family, boss, etc that you are gay or bi or whatever.  It’s often thought of by the straight community as this event, and sometimes the gay community too. The truth is that most of us have to come out or decide whether or not to come out whenever we meet new people, get a new job, move to a new city or apartment. Unfortunately in many states here in the US it is still legal to deny jobs and housing based solely on a person’s sexual orientation.

Coming out can have many stages, and it’s intensely personal. It’s important to realize that even if your family rejects you or your coming out that you KNOW that their is nothing wrong with you. You aren’t broken or damaged or a sinner. You are beautiful just the way you are, and with luck you will find someone just as beautiful as yourself.  Don’t beat yourself up for other people’s failings.

As we make strides in battling against the tide of homophobia, young people are coming out earlier and earlier. Part of the problem with this is that homophobic parents are also turning out their young teens earlier and earlier. It is estimated that 40% of minors living on the street identify as LGBT. I plan to expand on this subject when I hit “H”

Here is an interesting video portraying coming out from different perspectives:




It’s your life. Live it Authentically.

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